Hello LLYC,
Big weekend on Long Lake. Here are a few of the updates and schedule. Temp will be in the mid 80s and comfortable. Winds blowing 6-8mph most of the weekend.
- 8/10 Friday night race at 6:30pm. Floatilla after.
- 8/11 Party at the Point. Doors open at 7pm
- 8/12 Clean Water Boogie - 3-7PM. Beer party canceled.
- Trophies:
- Friday C/MC - Final race for the William Schmid trophy
- Saturday MC - Commodore Reese Trophy #3
- Saturday C - Commodore Reese Trophy #4
- Sunday C - Vesely Trophy
LLYC swag orders are complete. The plan is to distribute during the Johnson's beer party on 8/26. If folks want their orders sooner, arrangements can be made.
Thanks and see you on the water.
Erik Herrmann